Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Be Holy

The first reading today calls us to be holy, just as God is holy. Yes, God commands us

Be holy because I am holy

Wow, angbigat. We tend to think that holiness is something we cannot attain. We tend to think that only saints are holy. We tend to think we cannot be holy. We forget that saints are human beings too, like you and I, that lived on this earth and experienced the same things we are experiencing. We forget that since God is holy, and we are creatures of God, we are asked to be holy, and we can be holy.

But what is holy? To be holy simply means to be dedicated or consecrated to God.

Holiness does not necessarily mean you don’t sin. Holiness does not necessarily mean you’ll go out into the world and preach the gospel to everyone. Holiness does not necessarily mean you know the bible from cover to cover, and can perform miracles just like Jesus.

Holiness means being dedicated or consecrated to God. Whatever we do.Wherever we are.

Holiness is praying even if the world seems to take up all your time. Holiness is going to mass even if other people invite you to go to a movie or hang out. Holiness is living the gospel values even if people around you do otherwise. Holiness is doing good to or simple treating someone fairly, even if that someone annoys you at work. Holiness is seeking God in this busy world.

We can be holy wherever we are and whatever we do.

It is easy to be holy? No. but is it worth is? Definitely!

When we are trying to be holy, we die of our self and allow God to live in us. In Peter’s words in the gospel, being holy is giving up everything to follow Christ. We are giving up our wants, our worldly desires, and we are living a holy life to follow Christ. Jesus then says that we will have life in abundance in the age to come – in the life with him.

What is my notation of holiness? Do I think of it as something I cannot attain, and reserved only for the saints and the religious? What is Jesus telling me today about holiness? Do I want to be holy? How can I start being holy?

May we be aware that we can be holy, and start baby steps in living a life of holiness.

Father God,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for letting me know that I can be holy, and that you are calling me to be holy. Lord, I ask that I be more sensitive and aware of how I can be holy in my own little ways, wherever I am and whatever I do. May I always seek to be more and more like you, in holiness and love of God the Father. These I ask in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

God bless!

In Christ,

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