Friday, May 18, 2012


The gospel today encourages us to continue serving God even if it hurts, because we know that we would eventually find great joy in him!

When a woman is in labor, she is in anguish because her hour has arrived;
but when she has given birth to a child,
she no longer remembers the pain because of her joy

As a guy, I could just imagine how painful, not to mention dangerous, it is for a woman to give birth. Add the fact that before giving birth, she would carry the child for a full 9 months! Yes, it must be very challenging, but after giving birth, as Jesus says, she no longer remembers the pain because of that great joy!

What about us? What does it mean for us? Can we relate to it?

Being Christ’s disciples is not easy. You will have to give up things in this life to be able to serve him. You probably won’t experience the joys and pleasures this world has to offer, because you will not be of the world. You will face problems and persecution for the faith, just like Christ did. However, we are exhorted to keep the faith and wait for the time when we will have joy.

What am I carrying right now? What am I experiencing that causes me pain? What hardships in life do I have? Do I look forward and look past these current challenges? Do I have faith that God has a plan for me? Do I have faith that when God’s plan is fulfilled, I will have joy that no one can take away?

May we live faithfully serving God, even if it is not easy, as we look forward to the time we will have joy no one could take away.

Dear God,
Thank you for your word. Thank you for your promises. Thank you for reminding us that as you were with St Paul in the first reading, you are with us in our lives, especially during times of trouble. Lord, help me have that faith in you as I keep true to my faith in you. Help be stay strong and serve you especially when it is not easy to. Strengthen my faith in you and your plans for me, and may I always look forward to the time when we will be with you in paradise and have the joy that no one can take away from us…then we can say that this is all worth it. Amen.

Stay blessed!

In Christ,

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