Friday, April 18, 2014

It Is Finished

The WORD today (See makes me remember all the sacrifices Jesus has done for me.

He humbled himself and became man so we can have an example of a man, just like us, who experienced the same things we are experiencing, yet without sin.

When Jesus had taken the wine, he said, “It is finished.” And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit.

Jesus loves us so much he was willing to die the most shameful death to save us. More than that, we was willing to be separated from the Father when we bore our sins on the cross.

Real love.

Today, as we commemorate his death and love for us, may we be reminded of others who have made God's love more alive and more real in our lives. Those who made us feel special and loved. God loves us, and the same way he sent his only son to become human so we can relate to him, he still continues to send and use other people to remind us and make us feel his love. Instead of being sorry and focusing on our sins, let us focus on God’s love, on experiencing it, and sharing it with others.

What am I doing today? Am i willing to fast and abstain? Do I remember and thank God for his great love for me? Do I appreciate people who reminds me of God's love? Am I open to being used by God to make his love more real and more alive in others?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your love. Thank you for loving me even if it cost you your life. Thank you for seeing the goodness in me. Lord, may I be like Jesus, obedient to you even if it is hard and painful. In my own little way, as I fast and abstain today, may I be one with you in denying myself and offering it to you. I love you, Lord. Thank you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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