Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Potential, not Weakness

The WORD today (See http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/041514.cfm) reminds me that God sees the potential in me, despite of my sin and my weaknesses.

In the gospel we see the last supper, and at the end, we see Peter telling Jesus he is willing to die for Him. Jesus answered that Peter will deny him three times. And we know he did! It is inspiring to know that despite Peter's weakness, Jesus still loves him and chose him to be the rock of the church. He looked past beyond the sin and weakness and saw the great potential Peter had - a leader who was actually willing to die for Jesus.

God sees us that way as well. He is able to look past our sins, weaknesses and imperfections and tell us in the face that he loves us, that we are beautiful, that we are capable of great things. No matter how sinful you are or how weak you are, God can still see your potential and can use you for great things, as long as you cooperate with him and allow him to work in and through you.

God loves us so much. Let us pray that we see ourselves the way God sees us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another Tuesday. Lord, thank you for seeing me for what I can become, not for what I am now. Thank you for seeing beyond my imperfections and sins and still loving me. Lord, help me see myself the way you see me. May I do my best to cooperate with you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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