Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fail to See

The WORD today (see reminds me that sometimes, we fail to see God, even if he is right in front of us.

Nowadays, computer viruses are very rampant. They usually come in different forms and through different ways so it can get past the security protocols in place. They are able to infect once they go undetected. In the gospel we see something similar. The disciples were talking to Jesus, but they did not recognize him, until he broke bread. He was right in front of them but they did not recognize him.

That happens to us as well. We expect God to come to us in a grand way. We expect to hear his guidance in a voice, in our dream, or in a sign we want to. We box him in, we expect him to conform to what we expect of him. This is why, sometimes even if he is right in front of us already, we do not see him.

God comes in familiar forms as well. He does not need to speak in a tiny or loud voice to us, because he can use our family, friends, and even strangers to reach out to us. He does not need to appear in our dreams for us to know what to do, for his message and guide is readily available in the bible. He does not need to tell us to be a full time missionary to serve him through others, because he sends people - the least, the last, and the lost - in our lives. Normal people we encounter everyday.

May we never fail to see Jesus in our everyday lives, especially when he comes in familiar forms.

In what ways do God reach out to me? Am I always sensitive to Him? Or do I expect him to reach out to me the way I want to? How do I respond when he comes in normal ways, through familiar people?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another Sunday. Thank you for all the blessings and guidance. Lord, I pray that i always be sensitive to you when you come to me. And may I respond positively. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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