Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Love like God

Today’s readings invite us to love like God.

In the first reading, we see the continuation of yesterday’s story. Today, we see God, through the prophet Elijah, telling his anger at Ahab and his line. God’s anger was fuelled not just by Ahab allowing for the murder of Naboth so he can take his land, but by Ahab’s lifestyle of following other gods. In breaking the first and greatest commandment of loving God first, and in doing evil things because of that, God was so angered.

However, we also see how forgiving God is.

When God saw that Ahab humbled himself and was sorry for what he has done, God recognized it. We see God’s mercy and compassion if we are truly sorry for our sins. There’s no sin he cannot forgive, and there’s nothing too grave that he will not forgive. We just need to humble ourselves and be truly sorry for our sins for us to experience God’s forgiveness, mercy and love.

The gospel teaches us again to love in a higher level. We are asked to love as God loves.

It is easy to love the lovable. It is easy to love back those who love us and take care of us. It is easy to love back if we are getting that same, or sometimes greater love than the one we are giving. Lahat ng tao kayang gawin yun. However, Jesus is asking us to take it a step further.

Love the unlovable. Ang bigat no?

As followers of Christ, we are asked to love as he loves. To love the people who is not easy to love. That annoying officemate or relative, that seemingly nasty person you know, that disrespectful someone you know. These people, who are not easy to love, are still children of God, and God still wants to reach out to them… probably through you. Only God knows why they are acting that way, and God is asking us to love them even if it is not easy to, even if they do not deserve it.

Does this mean it’s okay to be a battered partner to someone abusive, because we are asked to love them? Not necessarily. Loving a person does not always mean we will obey and surrender to them. God do not give us everything we want and ask for, but we know for a fact that he loves us so much. God will give us what’s best for us, what will make us grow and mature, even if that entails pain on our part. He does so, not because he is angry, but because he loves us and wants us to grow in faith.

Be Jesus to others. You may be the only one.

In what ways have I experienced the love and mercy of God? When reading this, who came into my mind as the unlovable person in my life? How can I be like Jesus to that person today?

Dear God,
Thank you for your love. Thank you for loving me, even if I am an unworthy sinner. Thank you for your redeeming love that enables me to love others because you loved me first. Help me, Lord, to repay that love by loving others, especially the unlovable ones. Help me love in the way you want me to, not based on my own feelings and emotions, but anchored on you. Today, in my own little way, may I be like Jesus to someone, especially the unlovable one. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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