Saturday, June 2, 2012

Thirst for God

The readings today remind and challenge us to always thirst for God

In the gospel, we see again Jesus using his divine wisdom to get out of a seemingly dead end situation. He did not answer the question directly, rather he asked them a question that put them in the spot. We also see this when Jesus answered the question about paying taxes to Caesar, and when Jesus asked that the one without sin be the first to throw a stone. Personally, I think these answers to situations are cool, and I know that it is only by God’s guidance and wisdom that Jesus is able to do these things.

How come Jesus comes up with these answers full of wisdom?

Well, because he is thirsty for God.

Jesus always prays. He wakes up early in the morning to pray (See reflection He prays hard before and after a major decision. He is focused on his mission of proclaiming God’s kingdom. He loves God above all. Yes, he’s just crazy about God.

The first reading says the apostles gave the people directions – build up your faith, pray, stay close to God, love others. These were things they themselves learned from Jesus. These are the things they saw and experienced first-hand. They saw this was real and doable, and this is needed to have an intimate relationship with God. This was needed to live a life most pleasing to God.

In this busy life, can I honestly say that I am still thirsty for God? Do I know what great things I can accomplish through God if I stay with Him? Am I willing to pray for that thirst, and to work to quench it?

May we be one with the psalmist in saying: “My soul Is thirsting for you, O Lord, my God

Father God,
Thank you for giving me this day to rest. Thank you for being with me throughout the week. Lord I’m sorry for not giving you the time and attention you deserve. I’m sorry for letting myself be drowned by the concerns of this world. Thank you for reminding me with the readings today. I ask that you give me a heart that would be thirsty for you, and that you help me work to quench that thirst. As I work on quenching that thirst, as I work on getting to know you more, I have faith that you will continue to bless me and use me mightily to proclaim your kingdom. All this I ask in faith, in Jesus name. Amen.

Blessed Weekend!

In Christ,

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