Saturday, June 9, 2012

Will you finish strong?

The readings today remind us that life will end, sooner or later.

Our community has a fundraising activity, which for two years was a fun run, whose verse anchor was taken from today’s first reading. “I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”

As servants of Christ ready to meet our creator, how fulfilling it must be to be able to say those words. I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Yes, everyone will meet our creator. Everyone will die. This life on earth is temporary.

In the first reading, Paul tells Timothy to persevere in serving God, especially when it gets tough. Things will not be easy, but Paul asks them to keep the faith. He encourages them by his faith in God’s promise, that those who faithfully serve God till the end will be rewarded. Paul tells Timothy that it is possible to do so, as proven by Paul’s life, being faithful to God till the end.

Jesus also warns us in the gospel. Even if people regarded the scribes of that time as holy and revered, he tells us they will be condemned because their hearts are not so clean. God sees what human beings cannot, and God can bring justice when human beings cannot, and He will do as such when he comes again.

God sees the inside. The way Jesus tells us the woman, who offered a couple of cents, gave in a lot more than others, tells us He can see what’s inside. It is more than the monetary value of our offering. It is how much of ourselves we are offering. No matter how insignificant you think your offering is, however small you feel your time, talent and treasure is, God sees what is inside. God sees not just the value of what you give him, but how much of yourself you put into whatever you give him. Then he will judge accordingly when he comes again.

How am I living my life? Do I really know that life on earth is temporary, and that I should also prepare for eternal life? How can I finish strong in this life?

May we live our lives with the end in mind, and when the time comes that we will meet God, may we be able to say in faith, “I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”

Dear God,
Thank you for this weekend. Thank you for your word today that reminded me to focus on what lies ahead this life. I know Lord I am not always able to focus on that. I get so tangled with the concerns of this world. Help me remember to prepare for eternity with you as well, and help me live my life doing your work and keeping the faith. Amen.

Happy Weekend!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

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