Monday, March 24, 2014

God's Ways

The WORD today (see reminds me that God's ways are sometimes different from what we expect.

In the first reading, we see Naaman being told to go to the prophet Elisha to be healed of his leprosy. Of course he was excited, but when told what he should do to be cleansed, he felt bad. He was expecting a grand cleansing - Elisha invoking God's name and moving his hand over the skin, cleansing him of his leprosy. However, he was told to wash himself seven times. Aside from it not being what he wanted to happen, we also see his pride - that he felt their rivers are just as powerful as Jordan. However, he was eventually persuaded, and when he did this, he was cured.

Naaman wanted things to happen his way. Naaman did not want to move and do his part and just wanted to stand there and be cleansed.

How often are we like Naaman? There are times that we feel God not being there or not answering our prayers simply because what he is asking us to do is different from what we want to do or what we want to happen. we expect him to conform to what we want, not the other way around. We expect to be blessed, to be healed, or to receive guidance and answer without doing our part, without doing the best that we can. We just wait for him to do all the work for us. As we see in the reading, God is powerful and merciful, but he won't spoil us. He wants us to do our part as well to get the healing, blessing, forgiveness and guidance we are praying for.

What am i praying to God right now? How is he answering me? Am I open when the way he wants me to go is different from what I want to happen?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another week. Thank you for another chance to experience your love and power. Lord, open my heart that i would always be humble and submit to your will. May I be sensitive to you,  especially when your answer is different from what i want or expect. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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