Sunday, March 23, 2014

How's Your Heart?

The WORD today (See makes me ask myself how my heart is.

They say that for those who believe, no proof is necessary, but for those who doesn't, no proof is enough. This depends on how open our heart is.

In the first reading we see the Israelites complaining again. They are quick to forget the great things God has done to them, and focused on their desires. However in the gospel, we see a woman, after a conversation with Jesus, believed in Him and testified about him. Heart. One is closed to God, the other is very open.

In our lives, God has always been there for us. Miracles big and small, blessings, graces. But sometimes when faced with a challenge, we are quick to forget all he has done and doubt all he can still do with his love, power and goodness. We focus on the challenge in front of us and not on the one watching over us.

May we be like the woman - with a heart open and thirsty for God.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another sunday. Lord, I pray that I may be able to know you more, to love you more. May I always be thirsty for you, and as you quench and fill me, may I always be ready and willing to share you to others. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

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