Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Greatest Servant

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/031814.cfm) reminds me that God wants us to be great servants of God.

The gospel today teaches us what servant leadership is. In worldly view, we see leaders as mighty, strong and great. However Jesus coming in the world changes that. He redefines it, and puts the servant aspect in leadership.

The greatest among you must be your servant.

The higher we are in society, the more of a leader we are, the more we should serve. that's what Jesus wants. Serve others, and not ask others to serve us.

Jesus came as a helpless baby boy born in a manger, not as a mighty king and ruler. If the Son of God, humbled himself and did that, what more us? As Jesus was doing God's mission for him, he came as a servant, serving God through us. He is mighty, great, powerful and a leader, but his life is a service.

May we be inspired and serve God through others.

What have I accomplished in this world? Am I considered a leader? Do i have servants? How does God want me to live my life?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the gift of life. Lord I am sorry for being distracted in attaining what the world wants me. May I not be too focused on being a great leader, but spend more time in being a great servant. May I be inspired by the greatest servant - Jesus. Amen.

Blessed Tuesday!

In Christ,

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