Sunday, March 16, 2014

Give Back

The WORD today (see reminds me that God continues to fill us so that we can continue give back to others.

The gospel tells us the story of transfiguration. How amazing Peter, James and John must have felt. So great that they were speechless and wanted to just stay there. Imagine, Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus! Big names!

We all have transfiguration moments.  Probably for most of us, it was during a retreat or a religious activity wherein we felt very close to God, we feel God’s love and power in our lives, in a personal and intimate way. Probably for others these moments come in miracles like healing from sickness, undeserved blessings and graces, calmness, peace and strength amidst problems, and freedom from sin or bad habits – moments when we feel God’s love for us, that we know it is only by his grace and power that we experience these things. However, God does not want us to just focus on these things.

Jesus asked his disciples to come down the mountain and back to their regular lives. Back to doing God’s work – healing the sick, driving out demons, and proclaiming God’s kingdom and message, In the same way, our transfiguration moments are not the end or reward, rather, they should serve as nourishment and inspiration for us to continue to do good, to work harder to proclaim God’s kingdom on earth.

May we be willing to continue to serve God as he continues to nourish us and reveal himself to us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another Sunday! Thank you for reminding me how much you take care of me. Lord, I thank you for the transfiguration moments in my life. Thank you for making your love more alive in my life. As I continue to experience these, I promise to continue working for you, as long as you want me to. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

see related reflections:

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