Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Happy Outside

The WORD today (See reminds me not to judge people by their appearance.

A couple of weeks ago, i had a conversation with a friend and he shared to me that he is a spiritual person even if it doesn't show. He is the type of person who is always happy, always one of the funny and loud people in the group, but deep inside, his love for God and his thirst to know God more is there. Clearly, looks can be deceiving.

In the gospel, we see Jesus reminding us that as we fast, pray and help others, we need not show it. We don't need to announce we are holy, or look holy so people will notice. We can just be our happy and normal selves, secretly and genuinely serving God.

There are people who announce that they fast, share that they are helping others, and make sure people see them praying and hearing mass. Yes, in this evil world, we need a breath of fresh air. We need good news, we need to announce good works so people will get inspired. We need to see God's light in our lives to glorify God. But we should check the intentions as we do these. We should never fall in the trap of doing these works for acceptance and affirmation, but only for God's greater glory. And as we share good works, we should not be quick to judge others who seem happy and normal as people with no concern for God and others, because they just might be doing what Jesus tells us in the gospel.

Do I share my good works to others? How? What are my intentions as I do so? Do I judge others who does not seem to care about the salvation of their souls?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for midweek. Lord, help me have my heart in the proper place as I do things for you. And may I never be too quick to judge others based on the superficial level. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

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