Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Behind The Scenes

The WORD today (see http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/062414-day-mass.cfm) reminds me how important what happens behind the scenes are.

Making movies, commercials, ads and shows take time. People shoot hundreds or even thousands of photographs to get that one perfect shot. A thirty second advertisement takes a lot of time to shoot and prepare for. A movie takes months, or even years. They keep on repeating and re taking scenes just to get that perfect one the director is looking for. Then they have to edit it, put sounds, etc. these things that happen behind the scenes are not obvious to normal people because they only see the outcome, the final product. But a lot of effort was done and is needed to have the final output.

As we celebrate the nativity of St John the Baptist, we see in the gospel that he too did a lot of things behind the scenes. We only remember him for what he did, proclaiming Jesus, calling people to repentance, baptizing them, and leading them to Jesus. However, we did not realize important things happened behind the scenes leading to that.

The child grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the desert until the day of his manifestation to Israel.

Yes. He was in the desert until he came out. What was he doing in the desert? He was spending time with God. Reading scriptures. Praying. Talking to God. Fasting. Preparing spiritually. What he knew was not a gift given to him from birth. What he knew and was revealed to him was worked for by Him. He did his part. He spent years preparing for it. So when it was time to go out, he was ready.

May we also take time to do things behind the scenes, to know more about our faith, to know more about God, to allow ourselves to experience his love. May we be willing to work to build our faith.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that like St John the Baptist, I need to work also for my faith. May I have the will and desire to do so. And I thank you in advance because i know you will honor that and reward me by revealing yourself more and more to me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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