Thursday, July 31, 2014

Potter's Hands

The WORD today (see encourages me to submit willingly to the potter's hands.

In the first reading, we see God reminding Jeremiah of his power. He is like the potter who could do anything he wants to do to the clay - until the masterpiece is finished.

God is doing that to us as well. He guides and molds us until we become his masterpiece, until his plans for us come to fruition, until we become more and more like him. However, we have a big part on how the process will be. On how long it will be.

As the potter molds the clay, different things can happen. When the clay is hard, more pressure would be needed to make it obey. More force is needed. When the clay is soft, a gentler pressure would be applied and it will be easier for the potter to do as he pleases. Time will be shorter and it will be easier both to the potter and the clay.

We choose how we want it to go. We can either refuse and go against him constantly, or submit ourselves and allow him to use and mold us. We all know what should be done. Question is if we are willing to do it.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another day to serve you. Thank you for another day to submit to you. Lord, may I always be ready and willing to humble myself, die of my own desires, and submit myself to your hands - knowing you have the best plans for me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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