Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Against the Obvious

The WORD today (see reminds me to trust in God what his promise even if it goes against the obvious.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe what God is telling us. Probably all of us can relate to Abram in the first reading. God has been blessings him with a great livelihood, but he wants something else – a son. Sounds familiar, when we have been blessed but still want something else? Then God tells him that he will have a son, and a lot of descendants at that! Probably in his mind, Abram thought yeah right, I’m old already, so is my wife. And we have been trying for years.. yet here you are telling me I’ll have descendants as numerous as the stars? However, Abram kept the faith – and God saw it.

How about us? How many times do we favour the obvious rather than God’s promise? How many times do we let the disappointments and challenges in life bring us down, instead of holding on to God’s promise of his great plans for us? How many times do we let the bad news around us and the evil people defeat and bring us down, instead of keeping our faith and trusting in God?

God sees if our faith is genuine, and will reward us for it. In the reading he saw Abram’s profession of faith and credited it as an act of righteousness. On the other hand, in the gospel, we see that God also sees if we are wolves hidden in sheep’s clothing. He sees if our faith is genuine, or if it’s superficial, and will reward us accordingly.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that I should not be limited to what my senses see and what the world has to offer. Lord, I pray that you give me faith, faith that will be strong enough to trust in you even if what you say seem to go against what is obvious. I know that nothing is impossible with you and you are not limited by this world. May I always remember that and live that. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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