Saturday, June 8, 2013

IDK (I Don't Know)

The WORD today (see reminds me that in life, there will be a lot of times where we will not and do not understand what is happening

They say that knowledge is power. This is true – especially nowadays when we like to get as much information before we act, before we decide. However, in life, we cannot and do not always have the information we want and need. In life, we will not understand everything that is happening, and these are the times we really have to rely on our faith.

As human beings, we like to understand what is going on in our lives. We like to see the big picture – what God sees. We are anxious to know how things will end, or how things will be resolved. However, we can’t, especially if it’s not yet the right time. Even the earthly parents of Jesus , Mama Mary and St Joseph, was not exempted from this – from not knowing and not understanding what is happening. They did not understand what Jesus told them, but Mama Mary kept her faith and kept everything in her heart…

But they did not understand what he said to them.
He went down with them and came to Nazareth,
and was obedient to them;
and his mother kept all these things in her heart.

May we learn to trust in God, especially during times it is difficult to – knowing in faith that even if we do not understand and we do not see the big picture, God does, and he has great plans for us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another weekend! Lord, I pray that you increase my faith. There are a lot of things in my life I do not understand. There are concerns about a lot of things in different areas in my life. I pray, Lord, that I be able to continue to trust in you and surrender to you. I know you see the big picture, and you have great plans for me. Even if I do not know the details, even if I may not feel it yet, I just continue to have faith and trust in you. Amen.

Blessed Saturday!

In Christ,

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