Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Be Fair

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/061813.cfm) reminds me that God wants me to be fair

They say life is not fair. The evil people succeed in life, while the good suffer in this world. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.

However, we see that God is fair. As we see in the gospel, he blesses all of us – good and bad alike. We have the same sun that give energy to us, regardless if you’re doing what’s pleasing in his eyes or not. Imagine if God is not fair, if the sun gives energy only to those who follow Him and gets the energy of those doing evil. Or what if there is no universal sun? That God will just bless good people with light, while bad people walk with darkness around them. Probably more people would do good – not because they are good or what to please God, but because they need and want light.

God is fair. He blesses all people with his goodness. His blessings never end. And he never uses his power to force people to love him and to do good for him. in fact, he does the opposite. He lets those who follow him experience challenges and persecution in this world, like Jesus when he was living. But with it comes a promise that if we endure and remain faithful till the end, we will be with him in paradise.

God is fair, and he expects us to be fair as well. This is the tough part. It’s easy to do good to those you love and those who love you – your family, your significant others, your good friends and relatives. It is easy to do good to people we get something good in return, who will thank us and appreciate that we are doing. However, God wants us to go more a step further. He wants us to be fair – to extend love to those unlovable as well.

Why? Do they need love? Probably. But I think he knows that we need love. We need to be perfect in loving. He loves us so much that he wants us to be with him in paradise, and as we live our lives on earth, he wants us to practice loving the way he does. He wants us to develop the heart to love the unlovable, those who do not deserve it. Because he wants us to live this life in preparation for eternity.

So, when God asks us to be fair, it just means he loves us too much and he wants us to be with him in paradise.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for your love. Thank you for loving me even if I do not deserve it, even if I am unlovable. Lord, I pray that I be moved into action and love those unlovable and undeserving people in my life as well. I know it’s tough, and it is contrary to common sense, but Lord, I have faith that as I do so, I am slowly being transformed to become more like you… and that you are preparing me to live in eternity with you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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