Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Make Or Break

The WORD today (See reminds me that we always have a choice to make it or break it

In life, there are make or break moments, big moments we feel we can either make it to the next level, or break our chances of doing so. In basketball or sports games, there are make or break games wherein one team needs to win to advance to the next level, or go home and try again next time. In our careers, there are make or break presentations or interviews.

In the gospel, Jesus tells us about the make or break in faith.

Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments
and teaches others to do so
will be called least in the Kingdom of heaven.
But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments
will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.”

I believe that when it comes to our faith, the make or break factor does not always come in big events. Instead, it comes in small packages, small decisions we probably don’t give importance to in our everyday lives. Obeying traffic laws – either we follow or not, especially when no one’s watching and no one can see or arrest us if we break the law. How we treat of others – especially the annoying ones in our lives. How we think of other people, especially because we feel that in our thoughts, no one can police us. In praying, when we’re tired and stressed, do we pray and still spend quality time to develop our faith, or do we make “valid” excuses for not doing so? When we see garbage or money, what do we do when it seems that no one will see? These are some things we may think are simple and insignificant, but these are actually the things that will make or break us, because these small, everyday things are what shapes us, what strengthens our faith and what shapes our morals and values – which is useful when we are faced with “big” decisions and situations in life.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you that it’s a holiday! Thank you for giving us a rest in the middle of the week. Thank you for reminding me that in life, the little things, the seemingly insignificant everyday decisions that we make are actually very important as well. May I always become aware of it and make the most out of it because I know it will slowly mould me, little by little, to be the person you want me to be, and in the process, I will slowly obey your commandments and be called great in your kingdom. Amen.

Blessed Holiday!

In Christ,

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