Sunday, May 12, 2013

In His Time

The WORD today (see reminds me that things will happen in God's perfect time. 

In the gospel, Jesus told the disciples that the time will come when he will talk to them plainly, not in parables or figures of speech. The disciples were probably anxious and waiting for that time to arrive. But until then, they are patiently waiting and serving Christ. 

In our lives, we wait for a lot of things. We pray for a lot of things. We want things to happen now. Jesus is telling us to ve patient and have faith in Him, that in his perfect time, it will happen the way God wants it to be. 

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that i should be patient. Lord, right now im praying for a lot of things. I want a lot of things to happen already. I am impatient. I pray that you give me faith and a heart that would ve willing to trust in you. May i continue to love and serve you while waiting for your perfect time. Amen. 

God bless!

In Christ,

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