Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Shine in the Dark

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/050713.cfm) reminds me that God can turn a dark situation into something that would glorify his name.

In the first reading, we see the Paul and Silas being imprisoned. Not only that, they were beaten before being thrown into prison. They must have felt down and tired. The physical darkness of being in the innermost cell probably added to the spiritual and moral darkness they felt. However, this did not dampen their spirits. They were still faithful to God – singing songs and praying. Imagine, after being beaten and thrown into prison, they were still having this “prayer meeting.” God did not disappoint them – he made them feel his power and protection over them, and not only that, he made them realize that darkness cannot stop God’s glory from shining brightly. The guard and his whole household was converted and came into faith.

In the gospel, we see Jesus preparing his disciples for his leaving. Yes, there is grief in their hearts, but this grief will be turned into gladness when the Holy Spirit comes to them. The dark situation of Christ’s leaving them turned into a glorious one when he rose from the dead and sent the holy spirit to always be with the disciples.

God cannot be stopped by the darkest night.

Again we see that what the enemy designed to stop God was actually turned into something to glorify God. God is powerful and loving that no amount of darkness is enough to stop his love from flowing, to stop his glory from shining.

May we remember this as we love and serve God.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for always talking to me through your WORD and the people around me. Thank you for your love that strengthens relationships and makes it easier to get by through life’s challenges. Lord, I pray that I always allow you to fill my life with your love. I also pray that I would always be faithful to you, no matter how challenging life may become, may I be like Paul and Silas who continued to pray and praise you despite the darkness around them. Lord, as I do this, I know that you will continue to manifest yourself and your glory will continue to shine bright. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

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