Thursday, May 30, 2013

Throwing It Away

The WORD today (See inspires me to have faith in God and throw away anything that I am holding on to and just rely totally on God.

In the Philippines, rummage sale or what Is more commonly called “garage sale” is a normal thing. People clean their clutter and sell the things they do not need anymore. In this way, they free up space and they earn extra money in the process.

However, in the gospel, we see someone throwing away what he really needs.

Blind men during the time of Jesus usually live on the streets, and one thing very important to them is their cloak or blanket. This keep them warm at night and protects them from sun, rain and dust. So pretty much, this is really their “security blanket.” That is why when a crazy and faith filled man throws his blanket, it is inspiring… because he has faith that he won’t be needing it anymore. Yes, he even had faith to continue to call on Jesus even if the people were asking him to shut up,

How many times do we let doubt or fear stop us?

When Jesus seem distant or when he does not seem to answer our call, do we persist in calling him like the blind man, or do we listen to the people and shut up? God’s silence does not mean his absence. He may not answer immediately, he may not answer in the way we want him to, be definitely, he is listening to us. It is not up to us to continue calling him, continue praying and show him our faith, or to just give up.

What are we holding on to? What is our security blanket?

Jesus wants us to be all out in following and serving Him. Too much? Well, he asked for it – Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength (MK 12:30) .” ALL. Not just a part. Not just majority. But ALL. And we cannot love him fully if we are holding on to something. It may be our careers, our relationships, or our habits and vices. There should not be anything in our lives that would prevent us from fully following God. We should pray for faith like the blind man – who threw what he was holding on to because he knew God would give him something better.

Father God,
Thank you for this day. Time flies so fast, it’s almost the weekend! Lord, I thank you for the opportunities you have been giving me – in my work and career, in my family, in my relationships and in my service to you. Father God, I pray that I make the most out of these opportunities so I can glorify you even more and make you happy as I serve you, as I live my life on earth. Lord, there are a lot of things I am holding on to. There are a lot of doubts, fear, hurt and trauma in my life that prevents me from fully following to you, from fully surrendering to you. I pray that you take all these away and replace it with your love, with your joy, with your peace. Lord, I pray that you increase my faith and enable me to act like the blind man – who threw what he was holding on to, having faith that you would give him something better. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

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