Friday, May 17, 2013

He Knows Us

The WORD today (see reminds me that God really knows us, until even the smallest details.

This gospel is a popular one (as seen in the related reflections below) but today, what struck me today in the gospel is the part which tells us that Jesus talked to Peter after they have eaten breakfast (probably because I just had mine)

After Jesus had revealed himself to his disciples and eaten breakfast with them,
he said to Simon Peter

It’s amazing how great God is. It’s amazing how much Jesus knows us. Shows that he really is human like us. He knows how people generally feel good after eating, especially breakfast which is the first meal of the day. IT’s better to talk to people with full stomach than to talk to hungry or tired people. He knows us, even the simplest and littlest details.

We may sometimes feel our prayers are unanswered. We may sometimes feel that God does not care. The gospel today says otherwise. He knows us, and he knows what is best for us. If we don’t feel his answer to our prayers, maybe he is just answering us in a way different from what we expect. When we feel God is silent, maybe he is just waiting for the perfect time to talk to us, time when we will be ready to receive him and accept his message.

Do I recognize how much God knows me? Do I realize his timing and his ways of reaching out to me are made and done exactly for me? What instances in my life have I felt his presence and love in a personal way, in a way that only I can feel, recognize or understand?

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for reminding me how much you love me, and how much you know about me. Lord, thank you for taking time to know me, and to make your presence alive in my life in ways only I can understand and only I can feel. Lord, I pray that I always be sensitive to you. Help me to always trust in you, especially during times when I don’t feel you in my life. Like you did with Peter, I know your timing is always perfect, and I will patiently wait for it. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

see related reflections:

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