Monday, May 13, 2013

Take Courage

The WORD today (see 
 gives us strength as we live our lives serving God. 

An excerpt of the gospel says...

In the world you will have trouble,

but take courage, I have conquered the world.”

We have many times before that Christ is not the ruler of the world. In fact, the world hated Him... And as Christ's followers, the world will hate us as well. However, today, Christ reminds us that even if He does not rule the world, he has conquered the world. His power is greater than the ruler of the world. 

In serving Him, there are a lot of challenges. However, let us take courage and remember Christ's loving power. We are reminded to focus on Him and continue to serve Him despite life's challenges. 

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how powerful and loving you are. Thank you for always being there as we serve you. Lord, i pray that you give me a heart that will continue to focus on you and that will continue to serve you even if, and especially when these challenges come into my life... For you are greater than these challenges. Amen. 

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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