Thursday, July 4, 2013

Greatest Treasure

The WORD today (See reminds me what my greatest treasure in life is.

When we hear the word treasure, what comes into mind? Usually, as inspired by movies, we think of material things – we think of a treasure chest filled with gold, crowns and jewels. However, when asked, what is your treasure in life, different things come to mind. Some may say material things they have worked for so hard – a mansion, multiple cars, expensive bags and watches, etc. Some probably would treasure what they have earned – power, respect, influence, etc. Some treasure their loved ones – family, friends, etc. Whatever we treasure, it is interesting to see how we treat them.

Last week we saw Abraham being promised a lot of descendants – even as he was childless in his old age. Then when he finally has a son, God asks him to give it up. Ang labo, diba? How can he have descendants if he will kill his son? Why did God give him his son in the first place if he will just take it away very soon? Well, we do not know what Abraham actually felt during that time, but we know what he did. He followed God.

Probably at time, Isaac was his greatest treasure. Isaac would spread his name and family. He would be his descendant. His treasure was not his livelihood, animals or properties. However, Abraham treasured God MORE than anything or anyone in this world. Abraham treasured God MORE than his own personal happiness. He knew the secret, that WHEN GOD ASKS SOMETHING FROM US, HE WILL GIVE US SOMETHING BETTER.

God will not ask just for the sake of asking, or to power trip. God is a loving Father. When he asks something from us, he is emptying us so we can receive something better he wants to give us. In Abraham’s case, he gave Abraham a better and stronger relationship with him. Abraham found favour in God by showing that God is his greatest treasure.

How about us? What is our greatest treasure? How are we treating it? Are we holding on to it, placing it above God in our lives? Or do we still treat God as our greatest treasure in life, everything else comes far second to him?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for all the blessings you have been giving me, thank you for the treasure I have in life. Lord, I am not worthy, but you continue to bless me and show me how much you love me, and how special I am to you. Lord, I pray that I always have a heart like Abraham. May I not put anything or anyone above you. You are my greatest treasure, and I ask that you help me live my life showing it to you. And as I do so, I know you will continue to bless and surprise me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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