Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Just Sow

The WORD today (see reminds me to just sow seeds for God.

The gospel is a very familiar one - seeds falling on different kinds of soil and reacting differently. However, what struck me was bit the seeds or soil, but the act of spreading seeds.

As human beings, we always want to see results for our actions. We dont want to wait. We want instant solutions and effects. But to be a worker of God, you need to let go of this.

The sower should not be worried about the seeds. The sower should not desire to see the seeds bloom. The sower should just continue to focus doing his work - to sow seeds.

As we work for God, we need to be like the sower. We need to focus on just spreading seeds of faith, planting seeds of the kingdom to people we encounter. It would be great if we see the effects, but like the trees, it may take years before a tiny sprout emerges. We may not see it, we may not even know it, but we should just continue to focus on God and spread seeds anyway... Having faith that God would take care of the seeds we planted, and make it grow.

Do you work for God? Do you spread seeds for Him? Are you anxious to what happens to the seeds, wanting to see the good results of your work, or do you have faith in God and leave it up to Him?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another opportunity to grow deeper in love with you. Lord, I ask that you help me be like the sower. May i just focus on you as I work for you and plant seeds for you. May i have faith that you would take care of those seeds, and not be worried and concerned to what will happen to the seeds I planted. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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