Tuesday, July 16, 2013

No Secrets

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/071613.cfm) reminds me that with God, there are no secrets.

In the first reading today, we see how the life of Moses was spared, and how hot tempered he was. While trying to protect (or avenge) his people, he killed an Egyptian guard. He though nobody saw him, but apparently, some of the Hebrews saw him, and did not really appreciate what he did for them.

It is a reminder for us that nothing can be hidden, especially with God. Moses thought he was alone, but people saw what he did. And even if we escape the eyes of men, we cannot escape the eyes of God. Nothing that we do is not seen by God. All our thoughts and feelings, no matter how we try to hide, are seen by God.

Reputation is how others see us, but character is how we act when no one is around. May we work to build our character, knowing that no matter how good our reputation is, God sees our character.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for reminding me how powerful you are, no matter how silent you may seem, even if sometimes we cannot feel you. Lord, I pray that I do not be contented in working on and having a good reputation, but rather, work on my character. I know I cannot hide anything from you, that you know me from the inside, so I pray that I may have the heart to want to get your approval and affirmation, not that of others. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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