Monday, July 8, 2013


The WORD today (See reminds me that God’s power and love is unlimited.

Nowadays, unlimited things are a hit. We have restaurants offering unlimited rice, unlimited yang chow, unlimited drinks and even unlimited food. We want to have a lot on our disposal, and we do not want to feel we are running out of food and other things. If you’re with a big group and there’s a limited amount of food, you should look out for yourself and get as much food you want and need, because if you don’t eventually it will run out and you won’t be satisfied… in contrast to eating in buffet, where you can take your time, knowing you will not run out of food to eat.

This is how God’s love and power is – unlimited.

In the readings today, we see how unlimited God’s love and power is. In the first reading, we see that God’s love and power is unlimited and never runs out, never expires. He promised Jacob that He will always be with him, until his promise would be fulfilled. It took time, but God was always with Jacob and kept his word. In the short gospel, we see two separate incidents of Jesus’ love and power. He cured the woman and brought to life the official’s daughter. His love and power does not get empty, or lose its effectiveness as he uses it. We should never be afraid to ask God, we should never think he has no time for us or no concern for our small problems, or no power for the big problems. His love and power is unlimited.  We just need to have faith, like the official, the woman, and Jacob – that God will keep his word and His power can work in our lives.

Being unlimited, we should also have the desire to share him to others. Even if other people pray and ask a lot from him, it doesn’t lessen his power and love. He will still have that same special attention to us, despite the number of people praying to him… so we should be generous and not keep God to ourselves.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for giving me another week. Lord, as I start the week, may I always be reminded that your love and power is unlimited, that it never ends. May I have faith in you, for I know you will keep your word, and will always be there for me. Lord, may I also have the desire to share you to others, knowing that like a candle’s light, sharing it doesn’t lessen its light, rather, sharing it brightens the environment more. Amen.

Blessed week!

In Christ,

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