Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Of Surrender and Obedience

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/072313.cfm) reminds me of the importance of surrender and obedience.

In today’s reading, we see how God opened the sea for the Israelites to pass, and closed it afterwards. How amazing it must have been, passing on dry land with water on your left and on your right.  What is more amazing is how God used Moses for this. We see God telling Moses to stretch out his hands to part the sea… and stretch out his hands to close it. How mightily Moses was used!


Probably because Moses had a surrendered and obedient heart.

Definitely, it was not Moses’ power who caused the parting and closing of the sea. He was a normal person, like you and me, but was used mightily by God. His obedience, faith and heart of surrender was used by God to open and close the sea. Was God’s power dependent on Moses? OF course not! God does not need us. But he wants to involve us, he wants to bless us.

How many times do we question what God is asking of us? Or what our leaders are asking us to do? We think that’s too simple, God can do it without me. We think that some things are unnecessary, Lord, I don’t need to do that. Stretching of the hands is very simple, probably unnecessary, but God asked Moses to do it anyway…and it was used mightily by God. Moses did not question God or asked, “is that it?” or “why should i?.” He just followed what God is asking him to do.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how much you want to bless me and use me mightily. Thank you for reminding me that you don’t need special skills or talents, that I should just surrender to you, be an obedient and faithful servant, and you will be able to use me mightily. Lord I am sorry for the times I question you, the times when I do not readily just follow and obey you. I am sorry for the times I question your anointed leaders. May I have the humility, obedience and faith of Moses so you can use me mightily, Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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