Tuesday, December 10, 2013

No One Too Little

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/121013.cfm) reminds me that no one is too little or too insignificant that God will disregard him.

In the gospel, we are reminded that no one is too small or insignificant for Jesus. Like the shepherd, even if he has 99 with him, he will not think twice of going out to look for the one sheep that went missing and rejoices when the one is found. It is easier to just stay where he is and take care of the ninety nine sheep with him and hope the lost one will return, but he loves his sheep so much, every single one of them, that he will do what he can to make sure they are all with him.

God is like that with us. He wants each and everyone of us to be with him. to be safe. To be saved. That is why he goes out of his way to bring us back. He reaches to each and every one of us in a way only we can understand, in a way that we need. In the same way, he also wants us to do the same to others – to our fellow sheep who may be lost or wandering.

A shepherd, out of love, sometimes breaks a leg of the sheep. He does so because the nature of the sheep is to go out and wander (thus being lost is not surprising), however, it cannot defend itself from wolves or other animals that may attack. The sheep also cannot find its way home. That is why the shepherd sometimes break the leg of the sheep to prevent it from wandering, from being lost. It hurts, yes, but it is for his own good, protection, and out of love of the shepherd.

Sometimes we may feel that too. When we wander, when we seem to ignore God, we tend to get hurt. Not because God is punishing us, but because he loves us so much.

May we remember that we are precious in God’s eyes.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another Tuesday. Thank you for all the blessings. Thank you for seeing me for more than I see myself. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for protecting me. Thank you for going out of your way to look for me, to save me. Lord, I pray that I may always be obedient and make you my shepherd, my king. Amen..

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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