Friday, December 27, 2013

Share the Love

The WORD today (See reminds me that true love is meant to be shared.

In the first reading we see John saying that their joy would only be complete if they would be able to share the good news to others, if they would be able to share God to others.

Knowing God is not for one's gain and appreciation only. Yes it brings joy, but sharing God to others would bring even greater joy. That is why we are called to share God to others too - to share our stories, our encounters and our faith with others.

Sharing the love, sharing Jesus, is not through preaching only. They say actions speak louder than words. When we do good and help others especially with what happened to our country, when we are constantly trying to do good and be honest even if majority are not, when we continue to be happy and peaceful despite all the challenges we encounter - then that's when we really share God. Why? because That's when people will wonder - what God is this person serving? Why is he so happy and peaceful? Why is she genuinely good? I want to be like him. I want to know his God.

May be inspired by St John, the disciple Jesus loved so much, and be moved to share God's love and kingdom not just with words, but by our actions, by our lives.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you it's Friday! Thank you for the long weekend coming! Thank you for loving me, Lord. I pray that I have a heart like St John, who found great joy in sharing you to others. May I bring you to others not just with my words, but more importantly and more powerfully, with my life. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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