Friday, September 7, 2012

Old and New

The WORD today (see reminds us that we cannot mix old and new, that we should choose new over the old.

In the gospel, we see that we cannot mix the old and new – old wineskins and new wine, old cloak and new one. Combining them would ruin everything. Old for old, new for new.

What is God telling us? I believe this is a reminder from God that there is only two options: to follow him or not. We are encouraged to turn from our old way of life – from living a worldly life to living a life for God. We  should choose who we would live our life for, who we would follow. We cannot say that we follow God only in some aspects of our lives we are comfortable with, and follow what we want in some aspects. It is an all or nothing thing – for God or not, the old life or the new life in Christ.

Letting go is hard. We usually do not find it easy to let go of old things, much more old habits. In the gospel, we see that it is difficult for people used to old wine to give the new wine a chance, because old wine is better, because they are used to the old wine. However, we are challenged to go beyond this. It is hard to live a new life in Christ. It is more comfortable to stay in the old way of living. It is fun to stay in the old way of living. Mahirap, but once we give God a chance and live a new life in Christ, we will experience joy and happiness that our old life cannot give.

The psalm affirms this. As we live a new life in Christ and delight in the Lord, he will give us the desires of our heart. This does not necessarily mean that once we choose him, we will get everything we want. On the other hand, we get much more than that. As we choose him, he will slowly change our ways and our hearts so that everything we desire is what God wants us to desire, is what God wants for us. Then, he will pour our his blessings on us as he sees fit.

What bad and old things, habits, people and relationships am I holding on to? What makes it hard for me to let go, even if I know they are harmful, even if I know God wants me to let go? Am I willing to give God a chance and live a new life in Him? Do I have faith that as I choose Him, he will satisfy my heart’s innermost desires?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your word that reminds me how much you love us by wanting what is best for us. Lord, I ask that you help me let go – of all the harmful things, habits, addictions, people and relationships in my life. May I give you a chance as I live a new life in you. Help me always choose you in my life. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

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