Saturday, September 22, 2012

Scatter Seeds

The WORD today (see reminds me to continue scattering seeds of faith.

In the gospel, we see different reactions of people to God’s word. Jesus explained the parable already, so we should know what happens to us and what God wants to happen to us. However, what struck me was the importance of scattering seeds. The farmer needed to scatter the seeds for it to grow. God needs our participation in scattering seeds of faith – in bringing him and his word to the people of this earth.

The farmer did not need to know what happened to the seeds. He did not want credit for seeds that grew and produced fruits. He did not let those that died discourage him from scattering seeds. This is how God wants us to act. We should just go and continue to scatter seeds as we work for him. we need not know what happens to the seeds of faith we scatter. We should not take or want credit for those seeds that produced fruits. We should just continue serving God, having faith that God will do the work after we scatter the seeds. We do our part, what we can, and trust in him to do the rest.

Am I a faithful servant who just continues to do my part to proclaim God’s kingdom? Do I let challenges or setbacks discourage me from doing God’s work? Do I always want to be praised and recognized for the good effects of my works? Do I focus on God as I work for Him?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for this weekend. Thank you for reminding me that all you want me to do is scatter seeds of faith. It does not matter what happens to these seeds, I do not need to know what happens, because I know that you will be faithful and take care of these seeds. Help me focus on you and not want credit for seeds that bore fruits. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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