Thursday, November 29, 2012

Choose Your Feeling

The WORD today (See reminds me that I have the power to choose my feelings and reactions towards something.

They say there are a lot of things we can’t control. We can’t control the weather, the traffic, or how other people drive. What we can control, however, is how we react to these things. If someone cuts us in traffic, we can’t do something about his driving, however, we can control how we react and how we let it affect us. We can choose to stay calm and peaceful, or let ourselves get infected with his driving and cut others as well.

The WORD today is similar. The first reading and the gospel tell us what will happen when Christ comes. Pretty scary for some, especially those who are not prepared, those who have been living a life away from God. However, amidst the seemingly scary things, we see something in the psalm that reminds us who God really is – “for HE is good, the LORD, whose kindness endures forever, and his faithfulness, to all generations.” God is consistently good and loving.

What we feel depends on us. As we live our lives, we have the option to live for Him, to love and serve Him through others. We can offer our lives to him, without him forcing us to. This will enable us to build a good relationship and a strong foundation of faith, which will help us become at peace when He comes, knowing that we can “stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.” On the other hand, we can choose to ignore him and live our lives the way we want to, and feel scared and afraid when he comes.

Do I know that my actions today defines what I would feel when Christ comes again? Am I preparing for eternity, when Jesus comes again? What can I do to start preparing for Christ’s coming?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the last working day of the week and of the month. Lord, I ask that as I rest today, you refresh not only my body but also my spirit. Help me to live a life preparing for your coming, help me live a life preparing for eternity with you. I know that it is not easy to, but it is worth it. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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