Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christ, My King!

The WORD today (See reminds and encourages me to make Christ my King.
As we celebrate the solemnity of Christ the King, of course the readings talk about Him being the King of kings. The first reading talks about Daniel’s vision of how mighty Christ is – receiving dominion over everyone, whose dominion shall not be taken away. The psalmist expresses the fact that the Lord really is King. The second reading reminds us not only of Christ’s power, but also of his great love for us.
However, the gospel tells us that the kingdom of Jesus is not in this earth. He tells Pilate: “My kingdom does not belong to this world.” Yes, God is not of this world. Many times in the gospel that he refers to Satan as the “ruler of the world”, and many times Jesus reminded his disciples to be in the world, but not of the world, and that the world hates Jesus, and will hate the disciples too.  This means God does not want to force us to follow Him. This means that as his followers, life on this world will not be easy for us.
Christ is the King, but he does not want us to follow him without our consent. He does not want to force us to follow Him. We are challenged, and God wants us to follow Him because we love him. God wants us to follow Him even if life on earth is not easy. God wants us to follow Him even if means rejecting the pleasures the world has to offer. God wants us to follow Him as we live our lives. God wants us to make Him the king in our lives.
Who is Christ for me? Is he the king of my life, or do I live my life as I please, acting like the king of my own life? How can I say that he is king of my life? What areas of my life have I not surrendered to Him? Do I follow him even if it is not easy to?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding and challenging me today to make you the King in my life. I know that doing such is not easy. It will not free me from challenges and hardships in this world, but I know that you will always be there to guide me, help me and protect me. Lord, give me a heart that will make you the king, help me surrender all the aspects of my life that I have not yet surrendered to you. May I live my life with you as my king. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,
See related reflection:


  1. Thank you for this personal reflection. It is well said.

    1. Hi Suzie,

      Welcome. Praise God =)

      May God continue to bless you!


Christ is Risen!

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