Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Forget Him Not

The WORD today (see reminds us not to forget God.

When you are lying with your back flat on the ground, you have nowhere to look but up. When you are do down in life, when challenges and trials weigh you down, there’s no way to look but up. During these desperate moments, it is easy to call on God. It is easy to beg him for his mercy, guidance, strength and help. It is easy to pray and let it all out – because we may feel we have no other option, so just make the most out of our last resort – God.

However, when we are on our feet again, when things are better, when our prayers have been answered, we don’t always look up to God. We get so distracted. We are happy, we celebrate with friends and family, we treat ourselves to something good, but we sometimes forget to go back and thank God. Sometimes, when things are doing well, when we are happy, we forget God, who made all those possible. We forget to thank Him, we forget to pay it forward to other people.

God’s power does not get stronger when we thank Him. God’s goodness does not increase when we thank Him. He doesn’t need our thanks – but we do. In the gospel, when he said to the one who thanked him: “stand up and go, your faith has saved you”, I believe he meant that the person learned a lesson that just saved his soul. He realized that what happened to him was more than physical healing. He realized that he was healed spiritually, and that only God can give that healing. When we realize that, we will be transformed, we will seek God and will live for him, thus saving our soul. This starts with a simple thank you – with a simple acknowledgement of who God really is and what he has been doing in our lives

Am I grateful for all the blessings God has been giving me, or do I feel that it’s normal to have those things because people around me have those anyway? How do I show my appreciation to God? Am I appreciative of other people’s help in my life? Do I go out of my way to help out other people?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you. I just want to thank you Lord for everything – for waking me up today, for the air I breath freely, for giving me eyes to see, hands to feel, feet to walk. Lord, a lot of times I take for granted these things because other people I encounter also have these. I fail to see that these are blessings you have been giving me, not just for me, but for me to share with others as well. Lord, help me always be aware and appreciative of my blessings, so that  I may praise and glorify you by using these things for the good of others. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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