Friday, November 9, 2012

You Will Remember

The WORD today (See reminds me that the Spirit will help us remember things in God’s perfect time.

In the gospel, we see that two separate instances when the disciples remembered something, and understood something, as things happened…

Take these out of here,
and stop making my Father's house a marketplace."
His disciples recalled the words of Scripture,
Zeal for your house will consume me.

Therefore, when he was raised from the dead,
his disciples remembered that he had said this,
and they came to believe the Scripture
and the word Jesus had spoken

When Jesus got angry, the disciples remembered the scripture. Probably they heard it before, and remembered it when they saw Jesus, the usually calm and gentle person, being consumed and expressing his anger for the disrespect of the people. In the latter part of the gospel, they did not understand that Jesus was referring to the resurrection from the dead after three days. The disciples did not understand this when Jesus told them, probably they did not care to ask or to understand what he was talking about. However, when the right time came, when Jesus actually rose from the dead, they actually remembered this, and their faith was strengthened.

In life, we will not understand a lot of things. We do not understand a lot of things that are happening in our lives. However, we should keep the faith. We should have faith that when the right time comes, we will understand, we will realize that God is really wise and loving. It may be painful, and we are anxious while we still cannot understand, but we need to trust his heart that has the best for us and his eyes that see what we cannot. As we trust in Him, we also need to seek him and get to know Him, because like the disciples, we will not remember if we have nothing to remember. If we do not know Him, if we do not read his word, there is nothing to remember, and we will not be able to listen to his voice because we do not know his voice.

What things in my life do I not understand? What things bother me? What do I do when I do not understand things? Do I do it on my own, seeking answers on my own, based on my human knowledge? Or do I keep my faith, trust in God, and wait on Him as I seek his will and his purpose?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you it’s Friday. Lord, I ask that you give me patience and faith. There are a lot of things I cannot understand. There are a lot of questions in my mind. Help me to continue to trust in you despite of these things. May I continue to pray and seek for you, because I know that it will be easier to hear your voice if I have a good relationship with you. I trust that when the right time comes, when your perfect time comes, I will understand things, and I will be affirmed that you have the best for me, even if I may not think so now. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

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