Thursday, July 5, 2012


Today’s gospel encourages us to press on with life
They say that the words “Do not be afraid” is mentioned around 365 times in the bible to remind us not to worry. However, in today’s gospel, Jesus gives us a more active approach. Instead of saying “do not worry”, he tells the paralytic to have courage.
Diseases during those times were usually associated with sin. For those have serious condition, like the paralytic in the gospel, it was considered a severe punishment – either from his sins or from the family’s sins. He is considered an outcast in society because of this. People do not want to be associated with a sinner. That is why it was very difficult for those people because their sickness or disease is associated with sin.
Jesus did not just immediately heal the man. He could have just said that “Rise up and walk, your faith has saved you.” However, he did not. Jesus addressed the root of the problem. He healed the innermost sickness of the person which is the sin. He first forgives the person from sin. Not only that, he asked the person to have courage. Courage for what? Courage to have faith. Courage to ask God. Courage to come to him – because as he is forgiven his sin, he is cleaned and welcomed back into society and to God.
Jesus tells us the same thing today. He first addresses the root of our concern. Take courage, your sins are forgiven. Take courage, I love you. Whatever our concern is, Jesus is telling us to take courage and continue to fight. Jesus is telling us to be at peace, knowing that he loves us and readily forgives us. With this, we can come to God with courage. We can ask for help. We can mend our relationship with Him and with others – all because we have experienced first his love, mercy and forgiveness.
Is there something I need forgiveness from? What is my main concern in my life right now? Do I know and believe that God readily forgives me, even if I am not deserving of it? Do I know and believe that God can heal anything I am concerned with? Do I humbly come to him in faith?
Dear God,
Thank you for your word. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your forgiveness. Lord, as I face another day, may I always remember that you can heal anything, and you will. I just need to have faith and humble come to you. And as I am healed, may I also find it in my heart to allow you to use me for your purpose. Amen.
Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

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