Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jan Ka Lang

The gospel today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/121112.cfm)  reminds me that God wants to have me by his side, and he takes notice of me however little I feel in a crowd

We sometimes tend to ignore little things. Pag nahulog ang piso, minsan hindi na tayo nag e-effort. Piso lang yan, bayaan mo na sya. It’s just one pero, not a hundred, so it’s okay to lose it. It if were a hundred peso bill, I’d definitely get it. We forget that the 100 peso bill is made up of multiple one peso coins, so the little coin is important to come up with the big value.

Unfortunately, we sometimes think that God thinks that way too. “I’m not talented enough, God would not take notice of me.” I’m just a normal person, God wouldn’t mind losing me. I’m  just doing what others does, so God wouldn’t mind losing me.

Good news…!  God does not think this way!

In the gospel he says that “it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost” Yes, even if we are little, or we feel little, God does not want to lose us!

Doesn’t it make you feel special? No matter how normal you think you are, no matter how normal you may feel, no matter how inadequate or incompetent others may make you feel – it does not matter! God does not want to lose you! Yes, that’s true! So stay with him, because he takes notice of you!

Do I sometimes feel so little, so small, so normal and wonder if God takes notice of me, if God takes pride in me? What makes me feel this way? Do I continue loving and serving God even if I feel this way? What is God telling me today?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you Lord for always reaching out to me. Lord, sometimes I feel so normal, so ordinary, that I feel I have nothing special to offer you. Sometimes I feel I’m not good enough to serve you. Sometimes I feel you don’t mind losing me, or that I don’t make you happy. Thank you Lord for reminding me how much you want me and love me. Thank you for wanting me, however small, little, or normal I may feel about myself. Thank you for sending me people to remind me how much you love me. Lord, I offer to you my littleness, and I ask that you use it to build your greatness. Magnify the little works that I do so that it may bring you honor and glory. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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