Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Justice in His Time

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/121812.cfm) reminds me that there will be justice in God’s perfect time.

There are a lot of things we cannot understand. Life seems unfair, especially to us followers of Christ. The world seems to favour much the evil ones, the worldly people. They prosper and grow in number, while Christ’s followers are challenged and persecuted. However, we should seek comfort in God’s promise of hope and justice in his perfect time.

In the first reading, we see a promise that God will send us a savior – Jesus Christ, to govern over us and save us. Though there are current challenges, we ae exhorted to be hopeful and remain faithful to God, as he will continue to remain faithful to us. The psalmist reminds us of Justice and peace coming in God’s perfect time. Then the gospel fulfills these – God’s promise, justice and peace being personified as Jesus was born on earth. Indeed, God keeps his Word.

There may be a lot of things we are going through right now. There may be a lot of challenges the world is giving us. But we should not lose hope and continue to have faith in God. We should keep our faith in him, because he keeps his faith in us and he keeps his word.

What challenges am I currently facing? How do I face it? How am I feeling about these things? Do I keep my faith in God, and remain hopeful in God’s promises?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that you keep your word and that you are faithful. Thank you Lord for the immense love which made you send your only Son to save us from sin. Thank you for always being patient with us. Lord, as we prepare for Christmas, may we never lose the focus on you, no matter how busy we are at work or with whatever we do in life. We also lift up to you whatever challenges we are facing – as individuals, as your followers, and as a country. There are a lot of things we pray for, a lot of things we are concerned about, but we just lift everything up to you, and we know that there will be justice in your perfect time. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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