Thursday, December 27, 2012

Spread the Love!

The WORD today (see reminds me that our joy in Christ would not be complete until we spread his love

They say it is better to give than to receive – and in a lot of ways, this is true. Members of our community generally feel more blessed in giving and in serving others, especially as they serve as sponsors in a retreat, than participating in one. In giving to others, in serving others, we allow God to use us to spread his love to others. The more love we receive from God, the more we want to spread and share it to others.

John felt this way. In the gospel, we see him regarded as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” Of course, Jesus loved them all, in a way that he loves us all, but probably John was special. He was one who probably felt Christ’s love the most, but this feeling, this being special, did not make him act like a spoiled, selfish person. Instead, this made him love others more, this made him spread God’s love to others, as seen in the first reading. He wanted to share God to others “so that our joy may be complete

God loves us too. There are a lot of blessings in our lives that we do not deserve. If we only become sensitive and appreciative, there are a lot of things we should be thankful for. God has been making his love alive in our lives in so many ways, and this should move us to spread that love to others in whatever way we can.

May we be inspired by John and spread God’s love to others.

What are my blessings for this year? What is my greatest blessing? What are my greatly undeserved blessings? What am I sharing with others? Am I spreading God’s love to others?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for all the blessings, both evident and in disguise, that you continue to give to me. Lord, help me more appreciative and sensitive to my blessings. May I not compare my blessings to those of others, and end up envying them. Lord, may I always feel your love and blessings, and as I do, help me spread your love to others. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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