Friday, December 21, 2012


The WORD today (See reminds me how important and powerful it is to make your presence alive in the lives of others.

At the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, it was said that “the infant leaped in her womb…” We see how glad John the Baptist was, which was at the womb of Elizabeth at that time, to be visited by Mama Mary.

We may underestimate it, but a visitation is important and powerful. It makes people feel special, feel loved. It lessens loneliness and depression, which are some of the causes of sickness, and even death by suicide. A visitation, your presence, makes other people feel they are important to you that you give them your time – something that you can never give back. Our presence can help a person, if we would use it wisely. Our simple visitation can be used by God to visit the person and make Him alive in the life of the person.

May we never be too busy or too tired to spend time with others, to allow God to use us to visit others.

When was the last time I visited – really gave my time to someone? When was the last time I was visited by someone? What did I feel when someone gave me his/her time? Do I allow God to use me to make his love more alive in other people, or do I let the world’s busyness and concerns overwhelm me?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how important and powerful sharing my time with others is. Lord, I thank you for always reaching out to me – for always using other people to make me feel I am important, to make me feel your love. As I experience it, may I also open myself up to your love and allow you to use me to visit others. May I never be too busy or too tired to reach out to other people in your name. Amen.

Blessed Friday!

In Christ,

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