Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Can't Stop Him

The WORD today (see reminds me that no one of nothing can go against God’s plans, except us ourselves.

Nothing comes easy in life. They say you value something more if you worked hard for it. There are challenges and obstacles along the way, but as you overcome them, you not only get stronger, but get closer to reaching you goal, and will come to appreciate achieving it more.

In the gospel, we see Pharisees challenging Jesus. They were watching and waiting that he commits something against the law. They were silent, but Jesus knew what is in their hearts. Instead of wanting the man to be healed and cured, they were more interested in finding fault in Jesus. Instead of supporting Jesus in doing good and healing, they made it harder for Jesus to work.

Good news! Nothing and no one can stop God’s plans!

Not even the hardness of heart of the Pharisees. Not even their wanting to find fault in Jesus. Not even the risk Jesus would be getting himself into. Jesus still healed the man, despite of all these challenges and obstacles!

Bad news! We can stop God from doing his plan in our lives!

Only we, ourselves, can stop God’s plan from happening. IF we don’t cooperate in God’s plan for our lives, he certainly cannot do it. He gave us free will to choose and decide. If the man in the gospel remained hopeless and closed his heart to Jesus, he probably would not stretch out his hands because he probably have been trying for so long. If he did not stretch his hand, if he did not cooperate with Jesus’ plan for him, he would have not be healed.

What challenges am I experiencing right now? How am I taking it? Do I know that nothing and no one can stop God’s plans from happening in my life, except myself? Am I willing to move and act as I cooperate with God’s plans?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that nothing and no one can stop you from fulfilling your great plans for me – except myself. Lord, help me not to focus on life’s challenges and difficult people that may distract me from focusing on you. May I always remember your great love and power. And as I do so, may I be ready and willing to move and act as I cooperate with your plan, to make them come true in my life. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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