Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Check the Heart

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/012213.cfm) reminds me to check my motives

Actions does not always go consistent with motives. There are a lot of people who seem to be doing good but with ulterior motives. It is easy to show you have concern for others, but the motive and intention behind it is a different story. There are people who show they help other people in front of cameras, but turn the other way when no one can see their actions.

The Pharisees in the gospel is similar to those people.

Their motives for saying those things are not pure. They followed the law by the dot, which is good, but not if it leads to self-righteousness and accuse others of breaking the law. They are more concerned with the action, and are quick to find fault in the actions of others – at the same time justifying themselves and feeling more honourable than others.

We too have the tendency to act in this way. We sometimes are quick to find fault in others, without the intention of helping them or correcting them, rather, for us to feel good about ourselves. “Good thing I am not like that” or “I will never do such a thing” are words, spoken or unspoken, that we sometimes feel.

Jesus is reminding us that we should check our intentions, and that strict observance of the law should not lead us into self-righteousness, rather it should lead us into leading others and encouraging others to do the same.

Am I quick to judge and find fault in others? Why? What are my motives and my intentions for finding or recognizing fault in others? Do I realize that I too am imperfect?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me to check my motives. Lord, may I never be quick in seeing the fault of others and pointing them out. Rather, may I be sensitive and gentle like you are. Clear me of any trace of self-righteousness and just give me a heart that would want to follow you because I love you, not because I want to feel that I am better than other people. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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