The WORD today (See reminds me how we should live life here on earth
The second reading shows us that we really cannot hold on to something of this world. Indeed, it is true that we are merely passers-by in this world, but where we would go next would depend on how we live our lives here. As such, we should not hold on to anything that is of this world. Wealth can be gone in an instant. Money and gold can be destroyed. Clothes would eventually be torn. While it is not a sin being rich, we should not get caught up acquiring these riches. Other people would do anything to increase their wealth, wanting more fame, power and money in their hands, thinking that these things would give them security or would make them happy. Having this kind of attitude is dangerous, especially when you would stop at nothing to get what you want. People tend to abuse others just to get what they want.
Instead of acquiring worldly possessions, God wants us to focus on Him and prepare for eternity. Instead of acquiring worldly possessions and depending on them, God wants us to recognize his blessings and for us to depend on Him. In the first reading and the gospel, we see God giving us what we need to serve and praise Him. He equips us to do his work. In serving him, we should not act like worldly people. We are not in a contest of who is the greatest, who is more blessed, who can perform harder things, more miracles, write better reflections, preach better, pray better, etc. All of us are serving God, so we should not compare what we do with other people. We should just focus on God, and do our best with whatever he gives us.
How do I see material possessions? Do I want a lot of things, and work so hard to get these things that I tend to abuse others or do whatever is necessary to get these things? Am I a slave of material things, or do I use them to build God’s kingdom? Do I use my God given gifts to serve him and build His kingdom? Am I jealous of other people’s possessions, both material and spiritual? Am I spiritually proud of my gifts, thus having the tendency to exclude of look down on other people? Is my focus always on God? Am I living my life on earth as preparation for eternity with Him?
Father God,
Thank you for your Word. Thank you for reminding me how I should live my life. Lord, I ask that you probe my heart and tell me the things you want me to change, the things you want me to do. You know that I love you and I want to serve you the best way I can. May I always allow myself to be molded by you, as I focus on you and serve you with my life. Help me live my life on earth to praise and glorify you, as I prepare to spend eternity with you. Amen.
Blessed Sunday!
In Christ,